LED light therapy assists your body in its natural ability to heal. All living things, plants, animals, humans; are all built with the natural ability...
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic is based on the theory that disease is caused by an abnormal function of the nervous system. A chiropractor attempts to restore normal function...
Contact Reflex Analysis
Contact Reflex Analysis, also known as CRA is a simple, safe, natural method of analyzing the body's structural, physical and nutritional needs. It is a...
Craniobiotic / Infection Protocol
C.B.T. serves a big part in our Infection Protocol at WWC. This technique works to aid the body in accurately identifying hidden health stressors (parasite,...
Detoxification Programs
In today’s environment, toxic residues build up in the body faster than ever before, resulting in a greater incidence of allergies, and mental and physical...
EMF Support
Just because you cannot see it, does not mean it does not exist. Wireless and radio communication, power transmission, or devices in daily use such...
Frequency Specific Microcurrent
This is our Frequency Specific Microcurrent. The microcurrent is an FDA approved, physiologic electric modality that increases the energy production in the cells of the...
Homeopathy is a scientific system of health care that utilizes a variety of mineral, plant and animal substances in very small doses to help activate...
Ion Cleanse Detoxification
In today’s environment, toxic residues build up in the body faster than ever before, resulting in a greater incidence of allergies, and mental and physical...
Laser – Class IV Laser
The Class IV Laser accelerates wound healing and decreases inflammation, pain, and scar tissue formation. In the management of chronic pain, Class IV Laser Therapy...