I started seeing Stacey for bumps on my chest and arms. After ASA treatments they decreased significantly. Stacey's additional work with muscle testing and supplements...
Leg and Arm No Longer Itches
Dr. Cooper the first photo is a picture of my leg before the ASA treatment. The second photo shows the improvement a week later after...
Headaches, Sinus Infections are Gone
I just want you to know how much you and your staff have helped me to feel better and make healthy changes in my life....
Migraines and Sinus Issues Gone, Energy Increased
My daughter was dealing with migraines weekly due to her allergies. She was miserable, having sinus issues and missing school weekly. Now after three treatments...
No More Allergy Shots, Medications, Inhaler
I was taking daily allergy medication and using an inhaler to control my allergies before I came into Wholistic Wellness. After having three treatments (with...