More Positive, Alive and Happy

It is now the fourth day after returning home from the Net Retreat. I had a great time while I was in Florida. There were so many positive, enlightening experiences it is difficult to put into words. When others ask me how it was I say, “It was all about me and it was great!!” How many times in life can we really say we’ve done something just for ourselves? I’ve come back so positive, so much more alive, and so happy and I’m not normally one you would refer to as happy. The strongest impression is “I am loved”. If you had asked to say or write that ever before I wouldn’t have been able to do it because I didn’t believe the statement to be true. Net has made such a difference in my life, my husband offered to pay for monthly sessions as an anniversary present because he felt it helped me so much. I’ve been seeing Terri for almost 2 years working on and off until last April when my husband made the monthly offer. I’ve changed dramatically since that time. No other process has helped me as much as NET and Terri’s talent to get to the core of a problem.
