I write this 90 days from when I first walked in the front door. I was diagnosed with Crohn's 2.5 years ago. I had major...
Allergies Resolved – Finding the Root!
I started seeing Stacey for bumps on my chest and arms. After ASA treatments they decreased significantly. Stacey's additional work with muscle testing and supplements...
Pregnant after 2 1/2 years of Doctor Care
My husband and I had been seeing a fertility specialist for 2 ½ years due to my diagnoses of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) After 2...
Positive Pregnancy Test After 1 Month
My husband and I each had children from previous marriages, but we wanted to have a child together. After trying unsuccessfully for a year, we...
Both Have Unexplained Fertility Issues – Pregnancy
My husband and I always wanted a big family, so naturally we started trying to conceive as soon as the honeymoon started. We were young,...
Headaches, Sinus Infections are Gone
I just want you to know how much you and your staff have helped me to feel better and make healthy changes in my life....
Weight Gain, Lack of Energy, Cravings
I have been 15-20 pounds overweight and had lost all my energy, plus my blood pressure was slowing rising. Now that I have been seen...
Child Sleeping Better, Less Outbursts
The supplements are going well, I have been putting the bifidus and the crushed tablets in about two tablespoons of applesauce and he doesn't even...