You can have a herniated disc anywhere in the spine, but the most common areas are the low back and the neck. A herniated disc...
Lack of Energy
Fatigue is the number one complaint in our office, honestly in most health care offices. It is different than drowsy or sleepy, it is an...
Pregnancy Care
An Aching back, sore shoulders and a weak pelvic floor (AKA peeing every time you sneeze) are symptoms often written off as "just part of...
Respiratory (Cough, Sinus, Asthma)
RESPIRATORY (COUGH, SINUS, ASTHMA) Whether it's a result of changing seasons, allergies, or infection, respiratory difficulties greatly affect your every day life.Clinically, we have seen...
Stress, Anxiety and Depression
Stress is both a mental and physical response to life experiences. It can be caused by everyday responsibilities like work and family to serious life...