
Auricular Therapy is often confused with ear acupuncture but it uses no needles, and instead of "meridians" uses nerve connections. A micro-current stimulator is placed...

Brain Balance

The brain can freeze under emotional, physical, or chemical trauma. A Brain Balance session can help to reset the brain by using magnets in specific...

Brain Tap Technology

"Braintapping is a quick and easy way to relax, reboot and revitalize by simply optimizing your brain’s peak potential—anytime, anywhere. Backed by neuroscience and research,...

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic is based on the theory that disease is caused by an abnormal function of the nervous system. A chiropractor attempts to restore normal function...

Contact Reflex Analysis

Contact Reflex Analysis, also known as CRA is a simple, safe, natural method of analyzing the body's structural, physical and nutritional needs. It is a...

Laser – FX-635 Laser

Discover the only laser on the market for the treatment of chronic low back pain, neck pain and plantar fascitis. Our new FDA market cleared...

Rezzimax Therapy

Rezzimax Tuner Pro has a wide range of applications and benefits for sufferers of migraines, headaches, jaw pain, neck pain, sinus pain, TMJ/TMD, anxiety, and...
